Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What will You do with Yours?

Assignment 2 - Deadline 9 am 03/11/08

Your next Brief is to develop an excisting product, with the aim of adding value! You will be given an Ikea Coffee table that you must develop, by any means you choose. You can cut it, paint it, add things too it or remove parts from it the only criteria you have too meet is that it must be worth more at the end than before you started. Remeber that Art and indeed design is often about taste and just because you like it, doesnot mean that others will. Good luck!!


STEP 1 :ORDER YOUR LACK SIDE TABLE. Available from Mr Jenkins, Mr Simmons & Mrs Knight. They retail in IKEA for £7.99.

STEP 2 : ADD VALUE. Let your creativity run wild and modify the table using any materials and in any way you choose. Your imagination is your only limit!

STEP 3 : PRICE IT. How much do you think your creation is worth, now that you have devloped it? This must not exceed £30 (unless more than one person wishes to buy it, then the sky is the limit!).

STEP 4 : SUBMIT it. Email us a picture, and description of how and why you did what you did?

STEP 5 : EXHIBIT TABLE Bring the table to the Conference Room before 9am on the 03/11/08.

STEP 6 : SELL IT. See if your table sells to Staff students or parents during the day. All profits will be donated to the Gambia.

Go to IKEA to choose your colour.

Check out some examples @ The Bristol Design Festival & Here